Catholic Guild for the Blind

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The Catholic Guild for the Blind is an organization dedicated to the spiritual health and emotional support of those who struggle with blindness and vision loss. On the First and Third Thursday of every month, the group meets via telephone to both pray the Holy Rosary and have discussions about matters of faith, and the trials of daily life. The first Thursday is a conventional rosary, and the third Thursday is a scriptural rosary, and those are the meetings where speakers are invited.

Our speakers are invited to add to our knowledge and well-being as well – some local, and some from far away like the US shrine dedicated to St. Margaret of Costello, who was blind herself. St. Margaret was canonized by Pope Francis and is the Patroness of those who suffer from multiple disabilities. Her story is both practical and inspirational, a fine model for us to draw inspiration from.

Our meetings are at 7:00 pm on those Thursdays. They are held by dialing a simple telephone number – no computer or smart phone is needed – and the telephone number and its meeting code never change. The telephone number is 1-774-462-3143. When asked for the ID code, it is 8916. Anyone with an interest in devotion, inspiration, and the mutual support of praying together is welcome to join us.

December 13 is the feast day of St. Lucia, the bringer of light and the patron saint of the blind and visually impaired. On that day in 2020, CCFR began its efforts to identify needs within the diocese through the re-emergence of the Catholic Guild for the Blind. In order to do this, we need to learn who the blind and visually impaired are, and what services they are interested in. Please click on the link above to download a survey asking what programs and services would be of interest.

The hard copy of the brief survey can be printed and mailed to Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Fall River, 261 South Street, Hyannis, MA 02601, c/o Cynthia Stead. If that is a difficulty, you can call and leave a message for Cynthia Stead at: 508-771-6771 – with your name and telephone number and you will be called to fill out the survey on the phone. In order to be useful, we hope that as many people as possible share their thoughts, and you do not need to be legally blind.

Please help us build this guild to bring the light for us to show our caring for our parishioners and friends.

For more information please contact:

Cynthia Stead
Hyannis Office (508) 771-6771