Home Ownership Program

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First Time Homebuyer Education Workshops

Throughout the year, on two or three consecutive nights, Catholic Charities sponsors Homebuyer Education Workshops for First Time Homebuyers that walk you through the necessary steps to finance and purchase a property. Topics covered include:  Budgeting and Credit, Shopping for a Home, Multi-family Ownership, Home Inspection, Obtaining a Mortgage, Appraisals/Insurance, Legal Issues, Mass Housing Programs, etc. Upon Completing the two or three nights, you receive a certificate that allows you to access particular loans and loan rates not readily available to all buyers as well as loan programs that the state or a local municipality may offer.

NOTE: Payment for the First-Time Homebuyer’s Workshop must only be made once registration is confirmed with a Housing Counselor staff member.

For more information, please contact:

MARIA PAIVA (Nos falamos português)
Housing Program Coordinator
New Bedford Office
(508) 997-7337


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How To Help

We take monetary donations, used and new vehicles, food, furniture, and other items.